Monday, June 4, 2012

My Monday!

This morning was fun.
The boys woke me up a little before 7 (as usual), and we feasted on yogurt and bananas.
We took lots of pre-first-day-of-school pictures because my little guy, B, had his very first day of preschool today!

I can hardly believe he's already starting preschool!
I'm still holding out for his first haircut though. :)

Then I dropped the boys off and it was easy.  On them.
I proceeded to Lowe's where I walked around aimlessly for about an hour feeling kind of mopey.
Then hubs called and snapped me out of it.  
Told me they're getting big.
Need to socialize.
Gain independence.
All that crap.

Anyway... I picked up some caulk for that big shower project along with potting soil and a few new plants for my big planters (finally!).

I also had some bigger hibiscus trees I centered in each of my two planters and then surrounded them with the wave petunias.  I can't wait to watch them fill out and bloom!
Pictures to come soon!

When I picked them up, Mrs. Amazing Teacher said they both had a great day. 
She also texted me great photos of the boys painting, playing, and napping during the day to let me know they were doing great.
(She totally knew I was having a hard time letting that little guy go... she's cool like that.)
Modern technology is awesome!

They played together,
 painted together,
and napped hard.

Then we were off to big boy's first swimming ever (lots of firsts today!).
It was fun!
He got in the water up to his calves and decided that was enough for him.
Being the mama I am, I told him he didn't have to and we could try again tomorrow.
I'm thinking it's more of a timidness around new people because he adores the water and loves swimming.
His swimming teacher is very warm and fuzzy 
so I have high hopes.

I came home to some giant turkey vultures eating a dead fish out of my pond.
Yuck-o... but I couldn't stop looking. 
They really are huge and look like turkeys.
And yes, they do circle above whatever they're about to eat!

Tomorrow I'm going to attempt caulking the shower.
Then it's off to lunch with a sweet girlfriend of mine and another swimming lesson for T!

xoxo, Lisa

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